Policies & Tips

We want you and your child to have the best experience possible at Calvary Hourly Childcare. In turn, we ask that you become acquainted with the following policies and tips around food, clothing, diapering and separation.

For further details, download our Family Guidebook.

Also available:

Maltreatment of Minor Policy
Handling and Disposal of Bodily Fluids Plan
Allergy Prevention and Response

Lunch & Snacks

11:45-12:15 p.m. (until 12:30 for toddlers)

Snacks (crackers and milk provided)
Approximately 10 a.m. & 2 p.m.

Keep lunches simple and include ready-to-eat finger foods such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables peeled, cored and cut to your child’s preference
  • Cold pasta
  • Cubed cheese
  • Simple cold meat and/or cheese sandwiches cut in smaller pieces
  • Hot dogs (quartered)
  • Per licensing requirements, lunches need to have all 5 food groups: Fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat & alternatives, dairy.
  • Drinking water and milk are provided for all children.
  • We are a peanut/tree nut-free center. Because of the increase in allergies, please do not include any peanut or tree nut products in your child’s lunch.
  • Use a lunchbox clearly marked with his/her name. The lunchbox will be kept in the refrigerator. We’ll encourage your child to eat all the food in his/her lunchbox. Leftovers will be placed back in the box so that you will know what your child has – and has not – eaten.
  • If you would like to bring birthday treats for your child, please check with the teachers on suggested treats. Treats must be purchased (not homemade) because of health regulations.

Food Allergies

Be sure the staff is aware of any food allergies your child may have. Consideration will be given to any modified or therapeutic diet needs of a child as prescribed by his/her physician. Your physician will need to complete the Food Allergy Action Plan and must contain specific food allergy and appropriate action plan.

Clothing Suggestions

Your child should be comfortably dressed for play. He/she will be exposed to many kinds of media, including paint, finger-paint, chalk, clay, etc. Protective aprons are provided but, on occasion, art substances will come in contact with the clothes. Your child will enjoy the experience more he/she can experiment without fear of soiling his/her clothes.

Because we encourage independent use of the bathroom, your child should wear clothes he/she can manage unassisted.

Appropriate play shoes help improve running and climbing skills, as well as add to safety during time in the gym, playrooms or outside.

Please mark carefully and clearly any clothes that can be removed, especially mittens, boots and coats. Check the “Lost and Found” in the office for missing items.


Please provide your child’s own diapers and mark them with his/her name. Procedures for diapering are approved by our program’s health consultant and are posted in the diaper-changing area. Diapering may only be done in designated areas.


Separation is an ongoing process that involves developing a sense of trust between you, your child and your child’s teacher(s). A successful separation experience will build your child’s confidence in his/her own independence.

The separation process may take two days or two months. It may recur periodically throughout the year, especially after an absence or school holiday. The important thing is for us to work together as a team and keep the lines of communication open so that we may practice what is best for your unique child.

To ease your child’s transition:

  • Make sure your child gets adequate rest and a nutritious, unhurried breakfast.
  • At the beginning, it may be helpful for you to stay with your child for a short time.
  • Your child may bring “security” items – things from home can be source of comfort.
  • Establish a good-bye routine with your child so your child will know what to expect.
  • Don’t sneak out when you are ready say good-bye and leave.
  • You probably know if your child will calm down in a few minutes or if he/she will be inconsolable for more than 10 minutes. If the former, it’s best that you reassure your child that you will return soon, then be on your way. If the latter, please don’t leave us. You may need to be in the room a few times with your child as he/she explores the surroundings.
  • During the next week, talk about the things your child enjoyed – look forward to seeing friends, singing a song, playing with playdough, discovering new toys, etc. Learn the names of your child’s teachers and talk about these people during the week.
  • Continuity is important! Come as often in the first weeks as you can. By then, there will be many familiar faces in the room.